Should my young athlete train in-season?

blog post_youth sports

Should your child train during their season? Very simply, yes they should. In-season training for athletics seems to be lost at lower levels (high school and below). Coaches are doing their best to game plan for the next game, set practice schedules and probably have a separate full time job. Many coaches are also the strength and conditioning coaches at the high school level in the off-season, but they don’t have the time to train the kids properly in-season. Then there are some coaches that don’t realize that in-season training is as important as off-season and preseason training.

Key reasons to train in-season

  • Injury prevention
  • Maintenance of strength, power, agility and flexibility

I would urge you to talk with your child’s coach or admin to encourage in-season training. If a current program does not include training, then the work your child put in during the off-season will waste away rapidly because there isn’t proper maintenance being done. The difference between winning a state championship and losing early in the playoffs can be made in a gym.

My recommendations are to have a well rounded in-season program, 2-3 times per week, that includes hypertrophy, muscular endurance and also strength and power exercises. I would also recommend a flexibility program or coach to keep your athletes at full functionality. At Infinity Fitness we run a Sports Performance program, which is offered year round, and has athletes making strides, not just maintaining but also excelling during their seasons. Check our schedule here for available times. Please contact us if you, your child or your child’s team would be interested in training with us:

Mike Sheahan